Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dark Prince: The True Story Of Dracula - 2000 • Full Movie


CRÍACH THE FIERCE was a man of the Fomor with whom Gráine was somewhat smitten. One night while Gráine and her lover Díarmuit were sheltering in a cave, a great storm came on, so that they went into the far part of the cave. But bad as the night was, a man of the Fomor, Cíach, the Fierce One, his name was, came over the western ocean in a curragh, with two oars, and he drew it into the cave for shelter. And Díarmuit bade him welcome, and they sat down to play chess together. And he got the best of the game, and what he asked as his winnings was Gráine to be his wife, and he put his arms about her as if to bring her away. 

And Gráine said: "I am this long time going with the third best man of the Fianna, and he never came as near as that to me."

Current Moon



GWRGI the ‘man-hound’ was one of the warriors in Pryderi’s army. He was given to Math ap Mathonwy as a hostage. His name was used for a central character in Lloyd Alexander’s “Chronicles of Prydain”. Gwrgi comes from an earlier *Virocūn-.
The festival has different names in different parts of the Celtic-speaking world. In Ireland it is known as Samhain [summer’s end]; In Scotland as Samhuinn [summer's end]; in Man as Sauin [summer’s end]; in Wales as Calan Gaeaf [calends of winter] or Hollantide [Hallowtide]; in Cornwall as Allantide [Hallowtide]; in Breizh as Kala-Goañv [calends of winter]. Whether the Samonio- on the Coligny Calendar is Gallic counterpart is open to question.


Darkness stirs and wakes imagination...