Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Grigory, Nephilim, Do they exist?

Why are they hiding this information?

The Giants Of Ancient America: “8′ Tall With Double Rows Of Teeth”

The Moundsville Mound Complex in West Virginia
This fascinating video about the true ancient history of America from Jim Vieira shares the story of our true ancestors, 8′ Giants with double rows of teeth. Are these ‘giants’ the same creatures who once inhabited these amazing and mysterious ‘mound’ homes that were aligned to the rising solstace sun? This TedX talk exposes misinformation and corruption from the Koch Brothers and throughout the Smithsonian Institute and widespread lies from our leaders. What are they trying to hide? Does this have anything to do with the so-called Nephilim Giants who were once rumored to inhabit the Earth? As the mysterious and controversial truth emerges, the matrix that has surrounded our true past for hundreds of years is quickly laid to rest.
Jim Vieira’s research over the last 20 years has led him down a bizarre road of intrigue and mystery surrounding the races and structures of Ancient America. Vieira has compiled thousands of accounts of giant skeleton reports from the New York Times, Smithsonian Ethnology Reports, American Antiquarian, Scientific American as well as town and county histories to make the case that the history of our past has not only been deliberately covered up, but is vastly different then what we are told.

Published on Nov 20, 2012 by TEDxTalks
With passions in writing, researching, ancient stone work, spirituality and metaphysics, Jim is a stone mason and co-owner of North Wind Stonework in Ashfield, Massachusetts, USA doing dry masonry in and around the Berkshire Highlands for 15 years. Jim belongs to the Northeast Antiquities Research Association, a clearinghouse of information regarding mysterious monuments of antiquity. Jim is a regular contributing columnist for the Shelburne Falls & West County Independent and the national publication, Ancient American Magazine.

Balanced Rock, North Salem, NY State – with huge orb
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