Saturday, December 1, 2012


Days Of the Week: Saturday

Day: Saturday
Planet: Saturn
Colours: Maroon, Dark Shades, Black
Crystals: Obsidian, Jet, Coral, Hematite, Salt, Lead, Serpentine, Pewter
Aroma: Cypress, Myrrh, Patchouli, Saturn Oil, Black Poppy seeds
Herb: Mullein

Days Of The Week: Saturday

Dedicated to the shadowy Anglo-Saxon god Saetere, the equivalent to the Roman Saturn, and the Greek Cronos. It is also associated with the Norns, the Norse equivalent of the Three Fates, and the Trickster-god, Loki. Magical aspects: longevity, exorcism, endings, apprehension, austerity, caution, and limitations.

Not surprisingly, Saturday is ruled by Saturn. The logic and almost sly nature of Saturn is most prominent on Saturday, which is why it is the perfect day for habit breaking and scientific experimentation.

If you have someone that just will not let go of a relationship that you thought was long since dead, give a restriction spell a go next Saturday.

Human manipulation is also a very powerful aspect of Saturn's power over Saturday.

This is the proper day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving spirit, communication, meditation, psychic attack or defence, locating lost items or missing persons, self-discipline, life, building, doctrine, protection, freedom, elderly, destroying diseases and pests, crystallization, hidden or obscure matters, limitations, and boundaries.

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