Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Aquarius - The Water Bearer

Aquarius - The Water Bearer - 20 January - 19 February

A Masculine, Fixed Air Sign.

The eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius, is represented by the image of a man pouring water from a large jar. This image is said to be derived from from the Nile God Hapi, who poured water from two jars. An earlier Babylonian image of a star god, also held a water pot. The Babylonian name for Aquarius can be interpreted as 'great star' or 'constellation of the great man'.

This later definition was adopted by early Christians who used Aquarius to represent St Matthew, one of the four Evangelists. Despite its name, Aquarius is one of the air sign, and its symbol, of zig zag lines, are derived from early mediaeval symbols representing water flowing from the jar of Aquarius.


Alchemy: Multiplication
American Indian:
Animal: Man, Peacock
Birthstone: Chalcedony, Crystal, Amethyst
Colour: Blue, Turquoise
Day: Saturday
Egyptian: Anuket (Anukis)
Element: 3rd of three Air signs
Gods/Goddess: Juno, Ganymede, Ahephi, Uranus
Hawaiian: KAELO
Indian (Sanskrit): Kumbha
Metal: Aluminium
Perfume: Galbanum, Lavendar, Star Anise, Costmary
Plant: Olive
Quality: 4th of four fixed signs
Roman: Janus
Tarot: The Star
Weapon: The Censor


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