Monday, January 28, 2013

Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums~ A Perfect Circle

"Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums"

Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window
Go back to sleep
Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils,
See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do.

Count the bodies like sheep
Count the bodies like sheep

Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Count the bodies like sheep

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep

Go back to sleep
Go to sleep [x14]
Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums [x2]

I’ll be the one to protect you from your enemies and all your demons
I'll be the one to protect you from a will to survive and a voice of reason
I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and your choices son
They're one in the same, I must isolate you…
Isolate and save you from yourself …

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wild Beastly Animal

Love is like an animal..

A part of every day..

We use it and abuse it..

In every kind of way..

Like a wild beastly animal..

A challenge to be tamed.

The Good Die Young

This is not what I intended to write today but life has a way of changing plans. They say the good die young ; well obviously I'm not one of the good ones. Times have been pretty rough but now much rougher. This world has so much negativity in it that it is hard to stay in the light. What do you do when the darkness surrounds you? Devoid of light. Flip the switch and pull the darkness into the light.
Well, off to do battle with the forces that be and become a force of my own making.
  Please light a candle for me. This journey has begun. Oct 17, 2007


Alone in the Light

photo by:

Alone in the Candle Light,
Do Not Speak the Thoughts...
Of What Never Happened...
Never Repeat the Thoughts
or Words of Another...
It Makes No Matter
The Soul Which Chooses
The Negativity Shall
Take It In, as a Smyte
While the Truely Loving
Shall Know the Story
For Which I Came

For those who Know True Love
Act with Confidence
Straight Forwardness & Honesty
Whereas Those who Present Themselves
As Nice are often Merely Hiding the Depths
Of their Anger and Hatred Behind
A show of Smiling Appeasement.


Synapsis of Two Souls

~"You don't have to say
I love you, I feel it everyday"~

Place me in your heart
and care for me quietly
Trace an image of me
upon your heart's canvas
Never erase me from
the gallery of your love

There is more to this
than just serendipity
That anchors such
depths of connections
that no human force
could sever in this life

Yet, the waves we ride
seem to toss us about
from time to time
Embracing the thunderous
roars and lightning filled sky
and our love continues

~to survive~

With each passing day
and every whispered breath
the fates play this game
of chess with our love
and today they played
with a focussed intent


Is what they called it
when the ripple of insight
cascaded through me and
for one brief moment in time
I was living in the now
reviewing the past and
previewing the future
in a single moment
in a single breath
Then it all came together
and made complete sense

And as I breathed it all in
Feeling you so near me
And you feeling me near you
A flash, so incredulous
All within a single heartbeat
where fate, time and vision
and the truths once hidden
lay rawly exposed to reveal

~a synapsis of two souls~


Enya ~ Boadicea


It's Been A While

Mad World

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Map Counter

I know you're looking.

I know you're looking. Sitting silently, watching me. Feel free and easy as my spirit stretches to thee.

Many people believe that your twin spirit was created at the same time you were created, just as identical twin babies are created at the same time from the same source.

You and your twin spirit were given complimentary attributes, one of you more masculine and one more feminine yet each sharing the same spiritual beginning and unique identity.
Your twin spirit exists apart from you yet is always connected with you on the spiritual level.

When each of you have learned the lessons you need and progress to an appropriate level of consciousness, you and your twin spirit will be reunited as a perfect match creating the most perfect union possible in all creation.

This reunion with your twin spirit will be based upon absolute unconditional love for each other.

The reunion of twin spirits is a very rare occurrence thus far on this planet, although it appears it may be happening with greater frequency since we entered the age of Aquarius.

Twin spirits can be male or female. They can be a man and woman who have found each other, or they can be of the same sex. Once we go through the transition of physical death, and our spirit leaves our physical form, the spirit lives on and earth gender becomes unimportant. Not everyone finds his or her twin spirit on earth. Perhaps their twin spirit was born in a tiny village in China while they are a cowboy in Texas. Or, perhaps one is 80 years old while the other is only 8 years of age. Spirits choose their physical life experience based on the lessons they need to learn. It appears that when both spirits have learned what they needed to learn, they WILL come together on the physical plane and find a life more creative, dynamic, and loving than they could have ever imagined.

I'm looking too.

Do you miss me yet?

Full Moon Love Spell

picture by:

Love Spell

This spell seems to draw many people, even if only one person is specified. The targets drawn, are often obsessed with the practitioner for about 2 months and the passion is intense. Components needed: a clear mind and focused goal 1 large (7 day) red candle 2 small white votive candles patchouli incense rose scented bar soap about 1 Tablespoon sea salt (best) or table salt (ok) purified, fresh spring, rainwater collected dew or tap water Timing: Within the 3 days before the full moon, and not after the full moon. Fridays are good, but not necessary. This will work at any time, but having the full moon does seem to amplify it. This ritual spell is done in three parts and should be executed in one graceful movement: Begin Part 1: Prepare the ritual area and spell components. On the red candle, inscribe a name or magickal symbols and runes, or place a photograph of the target under it (letters from the person will work as well) Bathe or shower using the rose scented soap. Clarify your mind at this time, wash away negativity as with any ritual bath, and focus your goal. Reinforce your magickal circle. Make sure you know the entire ritual, go over it in your mind. Know your "lines" or memorize the ones included here. On to Part 2: Go outside or to a window or door. Clear your mind and reinforce your personal protective circle or aura. In your own words, state or think your goal. In a clean container (non plastic or metal) dissolve the salt in about 2 cups (500 ml) of water. Use the consecration, cleansing, or blessing techniques of your choice to charge the water, or use this one: Hold the container of water so you can see a reflection on it's surface. Try to reflect the moon back to you. Take a deep breath. Draw the energy of the moon into the water by visualizing a stream of white light pouring into the water. Take the salt in your projective hand (usually right, or writing hand) and while slowly letting it fall into the water, move your hand clockwise over the surface three times while saying slowly and clearly: (you can repeat each words of power group 3X if desired) Water pure and clean Protect me from all unseen The love I call I will never wean. Dip your fingertips, wand, or athame into the water and anoint each chakra point, or use your fingers, a bunch of herbs (patchouli is good) or other tool to sprinkle the water over yourself. Light the two white votive candles now and say: Waxing Moon He/She will be here soon, morning, night, or afternoon. Prepare to light the red candle as you say this: Burning desire, will not expire, passion burn as I light this fire! Part 3: Hold your focused goal in your mind the entire time you are performing this rite, but double your efforts now, hold the lit red candle (both hands or projective hand) and force everything you've got into it. Do NOT allow any doubt in at this point (if ever). When you've "spent" your energy projecting it into the candle, set down the candle (on top of photo or letters if included) and prepare to light the patchouli incense while saying: Drawing scent, will not relent, in calling forth the one who's meant. Confirm your goal once again. Allow the candles to burn down (make sure you have a fireproof surface) and close the rite in your own manner or by saying: So Mote it Be! You may include the following optional closing, or some variation of it if you wish: Let all aspect be true and right, freewill remains with all this night. Let this spell not turn on me, and harm no one, so mote it be! The red candle should take 3 days to a week and a half to burn down, and by that time, you should have some prospects! If not, go over the 4 checklist questions, and try again. Some witches prefer to repeat this entire spell each night for the three nights prior to the full moon. They leave the red candle burning, but refocus the goal and the remainder of the working again each night.

Alive Kid Cudi

Current Moon

Use this feather to weep the smoke of sage or sweetgrass in rituals of purification and prayer.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Current Moon


Monday, January 14, 2013

My visitors

Friday, January 4, 2013

Current Moon Phase