Sunday, January 27, 2013

Synapsis of Two Souls

~"You don't have to say
I love you, I feel it everyday"~

Place me in your heart
and care for me quietly
Trace an image of me
upon your heart's canvas
Never erase me from
the gallery of your love

There is more to this
than just serendipity
That anchors such
depths of connections
that no human force
could sever in this life

Yet, the waves we ride
seem to toss us about
from time to time
Embracing the thunderous
roars and lightning filled sky
and our love continues

~to survive~

With each passing day
and every whispered breath
the fates play this game
of chess with our love
and today they played
with a focussed intent


Is what they called it
when the ripple of insight
cascaded through me and
for one brief moment in time
I was living in the now
reviewing the past and
previewing the future
in a single moment
in a single breath
Then it all came together
and made complete sense

And as I breathed it all in
Feeling you so near me
And you feeling me near you
A flash, so incredulous
All within a single heartbeat
where fate, time and vision
and the truths once hidden
lay rawly exposed to reveal

~a synapsis of two souls~


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