Saturday, January 26, 2013

I know you're looking.

I know you're looking. Sitting silently, watching me. Feel free and easy as my spirit stretches to thee.

Many people believe that your twin spirit was created at the same time you were created, just as identical twin babies are created at the same time from the same source.

You and your twin spirit were given complimentary attributes, one of you more masculine and one more feminine yet each sharing the same spiritual beginning and unique identity.
Your twin spirit exists apart from you yet is always connected with you on the spiritual level.

When each of you have learned the lessons you need and progress to an appropriate level of consciousness, you and your twin spirit will be reunited as a perfect match creating the most perfect union possible in all creation.

This reunion with your twin spirit will be based upon absolute unconditional love for each other.

The reunion of twin spirits is a very rare occurrence thus far on this planet, although it appears it may be happening with greater frequency since we entered the age of Aquarius.

Twin spirits can be male or female. They can be a man and woman who have found each other, or they can be of the same sex. Once we go through the transition of physical death, and our spirit leaves our physical form, the spirit lives on and earth gender becomes unimportant. Not everyone finds his or her twin spirit on earth. Perhaps their twin spirit was born in a tiny village in China while they are a cowboy in Texas. Or, perhaps one is 80 years old while the other is only 8 years of age. Spirits choose their physical life experience based on the lessons they need to learn. It appears that when both spirits have learned what they needed to learn, they WILL come together on the physical plane and find a life more creative, dynamic, and loving than they could have ever imagined.

I'm looking too.

Do you miss me yet?

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